Last Goodbye

November 20, 2003

Photo by W.R. Stone

There is something romantically tragic about final goodbyes. They happen and sometimes that fact that it is an inanimate object does not make it easier. How materialistic this sounds, but it changes nothing. November 20 and the Fly Away Gala was my final departure from Winter Bird. Now he is on his own and hopefully will delight someone else's day.

The Fly Away Gala was P.G. County's live auction of 14 birds, of which Winter Bird was not among these chosen. After attending this event, I found myself completely relieved that he didn't go this way. The bids were substantial less than those at the Party Animal's auction. Ultimately, this would be good news for bidders. I think most were a steal (except for one...which I don't even should have made it's way into creation...but to tell the identity would make me seem petty and small).

I do give large kudos to the design of the invitation for this event. It was all that. Like the first event for this project (which never made the journal as mine hadn't been selected at the time), Wes and I found ourselves dolled up, and headed for strange lands in P.G. Hargroves in Lanham. After a couple wrong turns, we found the parking lot and headed in. As we approached the entrance, there was Winter Bird, front and center. Even in the glimmer of artificial light, he sparkled nicely. Once inside the building, we checked in and headed for the bar. I have to say I almost shut down at this point...only a few choices of wine (the standards) and canned domestic beer. Wes was forced to order first, giving me enough time to chose the lesser of all evils...something white. Though I'm into red wine now...I figured I would end up wearing it. Food was next on our list. Halfway through we developed a nice strategy. I held our place at one of the few bistro tables while Wes got us another small plate, or he would hold the place while I went to the bar. The auction came and went. Then we did the latter and left, but not before being given the commemorative poster. This was much better than the Party Animal's one. It had all the birds on it.

Wes was a good sport and braved the cold while I said my goodbyes to Winter Bird (so good that I beat him up a bit later...but that's a story best left unwritten...and yes, he is still talking to me). Suffice to say violent artist syndrome or cheap wine and Leslie do not mix). And Wes, thanks for tolerating me and not retaliating.

And that is it...except for November 24 when he is auctioned off on the Web. If you are bidding (LesMiz..and don't I know you?) or planning to, please be good to Winter Bird. Give him a good home and above all else...enjoy him.

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