When it rains, it pours or so was the case of trying to paint the base on Phat Daddy. This was the last thing to finish on my party animal. By the time I made my way to Alexandria to hook up with Craig, who graciously agreed to accompany me on this adventure, I had decided to go with a simple black base.
Being lucky in parking karma, Craig found a space right in front of the elephant. There Phat Daddy was in his city splendor...my baby. But would you not know it, just as we got out of the car, it started raining. We stood outside as it poured, sharing an umbrella, hoping the weather conditions would subside. No luck.
Another task for the day was to pick up a package for Tim from the Commission. Lou Stovall, an important key figure in the project, agreed to meet me at my elephant to drop off the package. Turns out, Craig and he are old friends. Small world and all that non-sense. So enter Lou into the scene, upon which he acted gallantly and offered to have my base painted for me. Offer accepted.
So, stay tuned...Did Phat Daddy's base get painted or is he still atop a concrete pedestal...